Para os homens da Troika, tecnocratas não encapuçados, o sector privado deve também baixar salários. Não bastando o seu "poder" de castigar o estado e a sua administração, a Troika quer agora irradiar para um novo poder soberano sobre os cidadãos privados.
E aqui fia mais fino. É que aqui já é a mais pura das soberanias que está em jogo, uma soberania democrática que não se coaduna com as leis do mercado. Que a Troika queira disciplinar o "mercado" Português da dívida soberana, tudo bem. Mas que se queira imiscuir num povo, prenhe de asneiras, é certo, mas com uma soberania quase inamovível de 900 anos, alto e pára o baile - digo eu, que ainda tenho uma costela patriota.
Muito bem, assim, eu que lhe tenho reprovado alguns bitaites, Mário Soares.Sobre isto a resposta a um amigo, muito imbuído (e bem) do mercado pela sua experiência Americana.
George It's true what you said but with “a nuance”. The problem in Portugal is not the tradable sector, but the untradable one, who lives in a non competitive world. The problems are in sectors like electricity, oil and the worst one - the “sempiternal” state. They live in a very imature and symbiotic way (to our pockets) in times of global competition. Political interest and party democracy kills the business environment. Adam Smith dies again if he sees market distortion in Portugal. All Portuguese people are guilty of this situation because we are very individualist and remain looking and whistling to the sky. Even the Troika (IMF+EU+...) wants now to cut wages in private sector, giving a sign they don't really believe in the market (it seems that they believe only… in the creditors pockets). Companys when they do not adjust to their markets, as you said, they die. The position of Troika are confuse and strange. There's a lot of economists who needs to make there’s homework better (society finally understands there’s several kind of economists, economy is only a “postcipate” science… as my ancient colleague of European studies, David Malva said recently in a post from Fukuyama, it’s not the end of the history, it’s the end of the economists (see a post of Helena Sacadura Cabral, Portas’s mother) – at least is credibility – or the return to the roots of economy policy). Unless there are other reasons for troika reason don’t know… and then we are in the kingdom of conspiracy theories (of the new landlords who manipulate the information world – an old diagnosis of Adriano Moreira).
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