- Fiscal and economic structural weaknesses in our view leave the Republic of Portugal in a comparably weak position to address the significant deterioration in its public finances and expected lackluster economic growth prospects over the medium term.
- We are lowering our long-term ratings on Portugal to 'A-' from 'A+' and the short-term ratings to 'A-2' from 'A-1'.
- The negative outlook reflects our assessment of the risk of a further downgrade should fiscal consolidation fall short of expectations or should concerns over government liquidity mount.
FRANKFURT (Standard & Poor's) April 27, 2010--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today it lowered its long-term local and foreign currency sovereign issuer credit ratings on the Republic of Portugal to 'A-' from 'A+'. At the same time, the local and foreign currency short-term ratings were lowered to 'A-2' from 'A-1'. The outlook is negative. The 'AAA' transfer and convertibility assessment is unchanged. "The two-notch downgrade reflects our view of the amplified fiscal risks Portugal faces," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Kai Stukenbrock. "Under our revised base case economic growth scenario, we expect the Portuguese government could struggle to stabilize its relatively high debt ratio over the outlook horizon until 2013. Portugal's public finances in our view remain structurally weak, notwithstanding the government's substantial public sector reforms of recent years." We believe past dependence on now more scarce external financing as a source of economic growth, and weak external competitiveness add to the likely adverse growth dynamics in Portugal. As a result, to reach its current targets we expect that the Portuguese government would need to implement fiscal consolidation over and above its current plans. Portugal's fiscal indicators, as well as its growth outlook, in our view compare unfavorably with the 'A' median for sovereigns. We have revised downward our growth scenario for Portugal and now expect economic activity to stagnate in 2010. In our opinion, the economy's growth potential will likely remain subdued, constrained by weak international competitiveness, low productivity gains, stagnating investment growth, and falling domestic credit as the highly leveraged private sector reduces debt. We also consider it likely that relatively rigid product and labor markets could impede growth prospects in Portugal, prolonging the adjustment in prices and wages we view as necessary to regain external competitiveness. The government deficit rose to 9.4% of GDP in 2009 from 2.7% in 2008. The government initially chose to implement only limited consolidation measures in 2010, which is why we expect the deficit to remain high, at 8.5% of GDP in 2010. However, we understand that the government is now considering accelerating some consolidation efforts to 2010 that were initially intended for 2011. We expect fiscal consolidation to progress at a slower pace than the government foresees, achieving a deficit of 4.1% of GDP by 2013. This is because we believe that there is implementation risk with regard to the government's announced program, particularly given that the minority government will need opposition support to pass necessary legislation. We also regard the government's growth assumptions as optimistic, in our view overstating the fiscal impact of cyclical recovery. We expect government debt to continue to rise rapidly, to 95% of GDP by 2013 from 66% in 2008. Fiscal imbalances and high debt rollover in our opinion leave Portugal vulnerable to changes in investor sentiment. The resulting interest rate shock or further shocks to economic growth could in our view lead to a significantly more pronounced increase in the government's debt ratio. "The negative outlook on Portugal reflects our assessment of the potential for a further downgrade if deficits and debt levels exceed our current expectations and if consolidation measures are not fully implemented," said Mr. Stukenbrock. "Meanwhile, sustained weak growth in nominal GDP could in our view also undermine the government's efforts to improve the general government deficit and debt ratios. Downward pressure on the ratings could also result from adverse interest rate shocks to government finances." We could revise the outlook to stable should the government manage to achieve at least its baseline consolidation agenda and put the budget deficit on a credible and sustainable downward path, thereby establishing a clear perspective for stabilizing and eventually reversing the debt ratio.
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